Friday, March 9, 2012

First things first

...Well, since this is my first post on this fine blog, I suppose I should explain why I'm here.

Several months ago I bought some natural skin care products after attending a spa party. At the party, the host talked less about what was in the products than what was NOT in the products. Mineral oil and animal byproducts were the two things specifically left out. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what mineral oil was or even that it was bad. And animal byproducts were just something I didn't think about. I started doing some research and was pretty terrified about the things I was finding out. The more I read, the more I decided that things needed to change... On top of everything else, I found out I was pregnant!! Now I really had a reason to be careful and thoughtful of the things I was putting into my body...

There are two basic reasons as to why I decided to change the way I was doing things: 1. I want to use skin care, health, and beauty products that are really beneficial and don't have any harmful side effects & 2. I can think of about a THOUSAND different things I'd like to spend my money on rather than supporting the $billion a year cosmetic industry!

So far, all of the homemade products I have used have been amazing. My skin looks better, I don't have any stretch marks (knock on wood) and even my husband has hopped on board. I've made moisturizers for friends who love them, salt scrubs to die for that cost as little as $4!! I've been using handcrafted stretch mark cream that has so far proved to be working perfectly. I want to share these things with all of you!! That is my goal... and in doing so, hopefully it will help me stay disciplined and motivated to keep working and learning.

(this is me with my sweet puppy Fifi)

*small disclaimer; as much as i'd love to say that i'm
careful and thoughtful of everything I put into my body, I have to
admit that i have a very serious pepsi addiction....
pls don't judge me ;)

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